【重田美月】Hypnopompia / One day

Hypnopompia / One day


Format : Pencil,colored pencil on paper and panel
Size : 41.0×60.6cm

Base price $615
Commission $161
Shipping Fee
Artist Info

Mizuki Shigeta


Utopian world succeeding the beauties of nature

Exploring the “Philosophy of happiness,” Mizuki's vivid drawings blend solid line drawings with zestful colored images using colored pencils.

Her motifs often originate in the traditional Flower-and-bird paintings of the Orient as well as girls’ manga (Shojo manga) from the Showa period and children’s coloring books. The space she creates is a world of utopia, where all elements—from humans, animals, plants, objects to landscapes—are intermixed coequally, simply coexisting without any sort of dependence or conflict.

Her exquisite touch allows the warm colors to flow out beyond the bold lines, expressing the vitality of natural life forms as they flourish well beyond the realm of their own potential.