
Trade Name of the Business

Sprit Inc.

Name of Representative or Mail Order Business Manager

Takayuki Niwa


NOA Dogenzaka 101, 2-15-1, Dogenzaka, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan

Telephone Number


Email Address

Product Sales Price

Product Price:Price shown on each product page System Fee:10% of the product price + $100

Costs other than Sales Price

Shipping fee is separately charged. Import and shipping taxes may be chargeable to you depending on your residential or shipping address. Internet connection and other telecommunication fees are separately charged by your respective service providers at prices set up by such providers.

Payment Method

Credit card settlement

Payment Timing

The payment (settlement) timing depends on your credit card’s settlement date and/or contract terms. Please contact your credit card company for more detail.

Delivery Timing

We wrap and ship the ordered product upon confirming the credit card settlement approval. We normally require 2 – 4 weeks for overseas deliveries and 1 – 2 weeks for domestic deliveries, but please note that further time may be required in case of unavoidable circumstances.

Special Provisions on Returned Goods & Cancellation

We do not accept any request for product return or cancellation once the purchase process is complete for products sold through the Service. For lost or damaged products, we will respond based on the Terms of Service. For products with special sales or service terms, such terms are shown on the purchase pages of such products or in the email message we send you separately.